A role model indeed
We all want to be successful.
Ask anyone on the road these days, what he or she wants out
of life and you are most likely to get some standard answers: “money”, “success”,
“fame”, “best career”, etc. There will be other answers like happiness in
personal / family life, societal status and best health; but basically the
essence of all these answers would be that people want the ‘very best’ now. They
don’t want to be second best or the runners up. This is the world where nothing
but the top matters, and all of us have followed suit. But who stands out among
all of us then?
Who are the inspirational people if everybody wants the best
and wants to be successful? Are these the people who have won that corporate
award? Are these the people who were hit in films? Or are these the people who
made those million dollars in the Silicon Valley?
Perhaps the answer varies from person to person.
For me, the people who most inspire me are the ones who have
maintained excellence throughout their lives, who have moved from one milestone
to the other continuously (though not easily, but rather with immense
challenges at times), who have pushed themselves to satisfy themselves with
only the finest.
Hard work: There is really no substitute for hard work in
any sphere of life, any work or activity. Jobs was known as a guy who worked
hard. He was a hard task master who expected high performance from others, but more
than that he expected extraordinary performance from himself.
Creative genius: He revolutionized six industries: personal
computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital
publishing. He had an acutely imaginative and creative thinking as is obvious
from all Apple products.
Knew the pulse of the audience: Jobs was able to predict not
only what people want right now, but also what they would desire much later in
the future. He had an intuitive feel for people’s desires.
Great leadership: Steve Jobs ran a tight shop. In fact many
articles, including this one,
clearly say that Jobs was an ‘asshole boss’. The article says:
Jobs may have been unbelievably vile to deal with, but his employees valued his opinion and cared deeply about what he thought. This is critical, because leadership itself can be perceived as a particularly emotion-laden process. In an organisation, the leader's mood has some effect on his/her group. One theory is that leaders transmit their moods to other group members through the mechanism of emotional contagion.
But more or less everybody agrees that he was a phenomenal leader
who Apple to those glories. In fact he himself famously said once:
"Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D
dollars you have. It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how
you're led." Surely his employees saw this and understood the wonderful opportunity they had got in working with him. In fact in this article, an Apple
employees knowing all the nastiness and hazards of working with Jobs, has said:
““I consider myself the absolute luckiest person in the world to have worked
with him.”
Uncompromising: in an often quoted anecdote, Soon after
Steve Jobs returned to Apple as CEO in 1997, he decided that a shipping company
wasn’t delivering spare parts fast enough. Jobs broke the contract. The shipper
sued Apple which he didn’t care about. Meanwhile Apple had changed the vendor
and got results that Jobs wanted.”
Relied on himself: Jobs had no one to tell him how to
realize his vision. He relied on himself, his intuition and determinations. He
made high-stakes decisions on his own. He stuck to his vision without wavering
and took all consequences that came with his actions, whether highs or lows.
All these traits working together in tandem, gave Steve Jobs
an incomparable advantage of a personality and character that did not accept
failure. He has inspired a slew of people in his wake, not only business people
but entrepreneurs, artists, students and individuals. His great quotes are
often used to energize class-rooms and discussions. He is surely not unsung,
but I feel there are things about him other than what is commonly known, from
which we can all learn a lot. He is truly somebody I look up to!
I am writing about #MyRoleModel as a part of the activity by Gillette India in association with BlogAdda.com.
Both images are from www.wired.com